The 12th annual NUMAs Awards ceremony held April 24 awarded students, student organizations and advisors for their positive impact on the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith campus.

NUMAs are presented to students who have demonstrated outstanding student leadership skills, student organizations who have worked to improve campus life, and advisors who have supported their organizations and made an impact on student success.

Also awarded during the NUMAs are the Chancellor’s Spirit Awards, given to students who excel academically, have an established long-term record of service in leadership and membership roles on campus, have made a significant impact on campus co-curricular life, display a strong sense of school pride and spirit and utilize an ethical leadership style that is an example for others to follow.

The Greek Life Awards and Intramural Awards were also given out during the award ceremony.


Winners of NUMAs, Greek Life Awards and Intramural Awards were:

Alma: Katie Brown, New Sorority Member of the Year, Delta Gamma.

Avery, Texas: Allyson Peek, Greek Woman of the Year, Gamma Phi Beta.

Bentonville: Ryan Spooner, SGA Representative of the Year.

Charleston: Brooke Slaton, Outstanding Student Leader of the Year.

Fort Smith: Tony Jones, New Fraternity Member of the Year, Sigma Nu; Stephanie London, Advisor of the Year; and Joel Murdock New Fraternity Member of the Year, Kappa Alpha Order.

Greenwood: Courtney Gosch, SGA Representative of the Year.

Muldrow, Okla.: Macey Casher, Chancellor’s Spirit Award; and Heather Deere, Greek Woman of the Year, Delta Gamma.

Kansas, Okla.: Heath Slamons, Greek President of the Year, Kappa Alpha Order.

Rudy: Jared Belt, Chapter Advisor of the Year, Kappa Alpha Order.

Tyler, Texas: John Sturrock, Chancellor’s Spirit Award, Intramural Athlete of the Year, and Greek Man of the Year, Sigma Nu.


The Campus Activities Board received the NUMAs Outstanding Student Organization of the Year, and the Student Veterans Organization won Outstanding New Student Organization of the Year. Kappa Delta Pi received the Legacy Maker Award, and Lion’s ROAR received the Outstanding Community Service Award.

Gamma Phi Beta received the Chapter Excellence Award and Chapter Distinction Award, and Sigma Nu was awarded the Intramural All Sports Cup Award.

The Student Government Association also presented Dr. Thomas Hayes, associate professor of accounting, the Faculty Appreciation Award in Honor of Lori Norin at a faculty appreciation ceremony April 17. Hayes was the chair of the faculty awards committee for two years and now serves on the teaching and learning committee in the College of Business. Hayes has also taught several accounting Maymester classes in locations such as Chicago, Dallas, Washington D.C., and New York City.

Recently, he has been involved with helping bring a Beta Alpha Psi chapter to the AV¶¶Òõ campus. Beta Alpha Psi is an honor organization providing professional development opportunities for accounting majors.

Hayes earned his bachelor’s in accounting from Westminster College, a master’s degree in accounting from the University of Missouri, and his doctorate in accounting from the University of North Texas.

Article by Angela Lamon, University Relations Coordinator
Photo Credits: 
Photos by Rachel Putman, Photographer, Marketing and Communications Office
Date Posted: 
Monday, April 27, 2015
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