United Way and AV representativesAV has been awarded the 2018 Community Impact Leader Award by the United Way of Fort Smith Area. AV interim chancellor Dr. Edward Serna and Lauren Serna accepted the award, which celebrates the university’s dedication to community service and the Fort Smith region, at the United Way's Community Impact and Investment Celebration this morning.


“We are so honored and pleased to have the leadership of AV so engaged with our local United Way and our community,” said Eddie Lee Herndon, President and CEO of the United Way of Fort Smith Area. "Through their dedication, resources, manpower, and support we’ve been able to collaborate on game changers like the Community Leadership Conference, River Valley Rising, 100 Families Initiative, and Day of Caring.”


AV was one of several local community organizations and citizens honored at the celebration breakfast, which also recognized the United Way Fort Smith Area’s 2018 campaign. The organization estimates it was able to offer a community impact of more than $2.3 million to the region in 2018.


“We’re very blessed to have an institution of higher learning in our home town, and one that is so dedicated to community service, even beyond its traditional mission and scope,” Herndon said.

Date Posted: 
Friday, March 29, 2019
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