Casey LudolphWhen deciding where to go to college, high school stand-out Casey Ludolph of Pea Ridge considered numerous universities as her top choices, but when she arrived for her campus tour at the AV, she knew she’d found her home. What she didn’t realize was that AV would become where she found her voice and herself. 


“I toured AV as a backup because none of the other campuses I toured were places I would want to fall back on,” she said. “As soon as I started walking around, I had this feeling of excitement. It felt like home. I was ready; this was it.” 


“I couldn’t wait to get home and tell everyone that, no matter where else I was accepted, AV was for me.”


Though many people tried to sway her decision back to her original first choice, she remained resolute that AV was where she was supposed to be. As soon as she arrived on campus, she began making friends, joining organizations, and taking a more active role as a leader.


“I have always been outgoing and fun loving, but I really was a deep-rooted follower,” she explained. “At AV, I became someone with a voice. I do things when I know they are the right choice for the positions I chose to take and uphold.” 


Ludolph’s campus leadership positions have since included titles with her sorority’s executive council, a camp chair for AV Camp, and president of the Panhellenic Council.  She has also attended two national Greek life conferences that she says gave her a passion for what networking and self-growth can do for a person.


Following her graduation this May, Ludolph accepted a fifth-grade teaching position in her home town of Pea Ridge, and she will begin her new career this fall. 


“I am often asked why I love AV,” she said. “And I always say, ‘This is where I found Casey.’ AV made me who I am.”

Jessica Martin
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Date Posted: 
Monday, June 17, 2019
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