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Alcohol and Drug Policy at AV¶¶Òõ

AV¶¶Òõ recognizes its responsibility to provide a healthy environment in which students may learn and prepare themselves to be fully functioning and productive individuals. Alcohol and other substance abuse is a university concern. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs affects academic performance, health, personal relationships, and safety. Abusive levels of alcohol use and other drugs often result in problems such as automobile and other accidents, student fights, property damage, aggravated physical illness, and sometimes death. Students need to know their responsibilities as members of the university community and understand the university’s expectation and regulations. The abuse of alcohol and other drugs is considered detrimental to the attainment of the educational mission of this institution.

AV¶¶Òõ Alcohol Policy

Student possession and use of alcohol on university properties, and at official university functions held on campus is prohibited. Except in the Sebastian Commons where residents of legal drinking age may possess and responsibly consume alcohol in the privacy of their campus apartment. It is the policy of the university that the illegal or abusive use of drugs or alcohol by employees and students is prohibited on university properties or as a part of any university activity whether on or off campus. Irresponsible behavior while under the influence of intoxicants is not to be condoned and may be subject to review and/or action by the appropriate judicial body.

AV¶¶Òõ Drug Policy

Possession, use or manufacture of illicit drugs is strictly prohibited at AV¶¶Òõ. Students are subject to disciplinary action for violation of federal or state laws regarding the possession, purchase, manufacture, use, sale or distribution (by either sale or gift) of any quantity of any prescription drug or controlled substance, except for the use of over-the-counter medication or for the prescribed use of medication in accordance with the instructions of a licensed physician. Possession of paraphernalia associated with the use, possession or manufacture of a prescription drug or controlled substance is also prohibited.

Medical Marijuana

Students are not permitted to possess, smoke, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marijuana on campus in accordance with Arkansas Act 740.Act 740 further prohibits the smoking of marijuana for medical purposes in places where the smoking of tobacco is prohibited by state law, and all state property is to be considered tobacco free.

Substance Abuse Policy

Any student found in violation of these policies will immediately be placed on probation and shall be subject to additional disciplinary actions, which may include dismissal from AV¶¶Òõ.

The vice chancellor for student affairs and director of university housing and residential life will make information available to students about the dangers of drug abuse, the availability of counseling and the penalties for violations. Such information will be promulgated in the student handbook and through visual displays, drug-awareness sessions, etc.

Students who have no record of conviction for drug abuse and who voluntarily seek counseling for drug-abuse problems may not be dismissed from the university. However, if a drug-abuse conviction occurs after counseling or rehabilitation has begun, the student is liable for the full range of university disciplinary measures.

The vice chancellor for student affairs will be responsible for the implementation of these procedures.

Specific degree programs may have additional policies related to prevention and management of substance abuse. Students enrolled in these degree programs are responsible for adhering to college-specific policies as well as university policies.

  1. Consumption and possession of alcohol by students is prohibited on campus and at AV¶¶Òõ sponsored events.
  2. Distribution of alcohol to a minor is prohibited.
  3. Possession of alcohol by a minor is prohibited.
  4. If a student violates the Student Conduct Code while under the influence of alcohol, this policy will also apply.
  5. Public intoxication as defined in A.C.A.5-71-212 and 5-2-207 is prohibited.

  1. All reports of incidents involving alcohol will be forwarded to the student conduct administrator.
  2. The student conduct administrator or designee will be responsible for the following:
    1. Determining if an incident reported constitutes a violation of the university alcohol policy.
    2. Recording and tracking all students involved with alcohol violations.
    3. Notifying the University Police Department, when warranted, of the behavior of an individual involved in an incident.
    4. Enforcing sanctions described.

  1. Typical Sanctions: The sanctions described below are those used in most cases and do not limit the disciplinary power of the university in any matter involving Student Conduct Code violations.
  2. Infractions and Mandatory Sanctions:
  3. First infraction of the academic year - Student must attend an alcohol education class and will be placed on university conduct probation.
  4. Second infraction in the academic year - Student is placed on disciplinary probation and, at the student’s expense, must submit to a substance abuse evaluation administered by a qualified authority. The student will provide the evaluation results or authorize the release of the evaluation results to the student affairs office.
  5. Third infraction in the academic year - Student is likely to be suspended from the university for a semester or longer, depending on the risk to self, others, and property caused by the behaviors.
  6. Recording cycle for violations is one academic year - The academic year begins the first day the residence halls open for the fall semester and will continue through the day prior to the residence halls opening for the next academic year.
  7. Right of appeal - The student may appeal as described in Article V, Section D.A student conduct board will hear the appeal. For infractions committed in university housing, students who violate the Student Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action through the residence hall and the university student conduct system. AV¶¶Òõ will strive to handle alleged violations in university housing in a single hearing that encompasses both housing policies and the Student Code of Conduct.

Students may also be subject to arrest and prosecution in cases where state laws have been violated. Sanctions up to and including expulsion may be imposed for drug or alcohol violations. A conviction for violation of state or federal drug laws may jeopardize federal financial aid.

The university will attempt to help students who have a substance abuse problem and wish to receive assistance in dealing with that problem. The university will not, however, condone illegal activity, and continued violation of drug or alcohol policies may result in expulsion.